Welcome to WordPress!
Getting started…
- Login as admin and get blogging!
- Refer to the TurnKey WordPress release notes
- Refer to the WordPress Getting Started Codex
- Search WordPress.org for plugins to extend WordPress. Here’s some examples:
- Yoast SEO: Optimizes your WordPress blog for search engines and XML sitemaps.
- NextGEN Gallery: Easy to use image gallery with thumbnail & slideshow options.
- JetPack by WordPress.com: Jetpack adds powerful features previously only available to WordPress.com users including customization, traffic, mobile, content, and performance tools.
- WP Super Cache: Accelerates your blog by serving 99% of your visitors via static HTML files.
- Social Media Share Buttons & Icons: Promote your content by adding links to social sharing and bookmarking sites.
- Simple Tags: automatically adds tags and related posts to your content.
- BackupWordPress: easily backup your core WordPress tables.
- Google Analytics Dashboard for WordPress: track visitors, AdSense clicks, outgoing links, and search queries.
- WP-Polls: Adds an easily customizable AJAX poll system to your blog.
- WP-PageNavi: Adds more advanced paging navigation.
- Ozh admin dropdown menu: Creates a drop down menu with all admin links.
- Contact Form 7: Customizable contact forms supporting AJAX, CAPTCHA and Akismet integration.
- Seriously Simple Podcasting: Simple Podcasting from your WordPress site.
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curs Adaptarea copilului special la clasa
Welcome to WordPress!
Getting started...Login as admin and get blogging!Refer to the TurnKey WordPress...
Idei de activitati pentru copiii cu nevoie speciale
Arte plastice adaptate: Oferiți materiale de artă adaptate nevoilor copiilor,...
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To get started with moderating, editing, and deleting comments, please visit the Comments screen in the dashboard.
Commenter avatars come from Gravatar.